Nominations for TfL Pension Consultative Council in 2015
Nominations are being sought for TfL Pension Fund members to stand for election to the TfL Pension Consultative Council (PCC).
The council is made up of three sections representing Fund members:
Section 1: Pensioners and deferred pensioners (8 seats)
Section 2: Employees of TfL, subsidiaries and contractors except those covered by Section 3 (4 seats)
Section 3: Employees of LUL, its subsidiaries, contractors and Tube Lines Limited (8 seats)
The PCC meets at least four times a year to discuss the administration of the Pension Fund, picking up issues of concern to Fund members (other than issues relating to individual entitlements to benefits under the Fund), commenting on and making formal representation. Four Councillors are nominated by the PCC as Trustees of the Fund and regularly report at PCC meetings.
The eight PCC members from Section 1 are required to also attend the four Pensioners' Forum meetings each year. This Forum meets with TfL management representatives to discuss and be consulted on issues relevant to pensioners and deferred pensioners, such as retired staff travel entitlements.
PCC councillors are elected for four years so five end their terms of office each year, although they are usually eligible for re-election. Five seats are therefore to be elected to take office on 1 December 2015.
The Councillors whose terms are ending are Anne Garland and Christopher Sullivan from Section One, Steve Poole from Section Two with Paul Murphy and Paul O'Brien from Section Three. All of these are eligible for re-election if they wish.
Nominations must be made in writing by a member of the TfL Pension Fund from the same Section as the nominee and countersigned by another member of the same Section. The information listed below must accompany the nomination:
- Name, as nominee wishes it to appear on the ballot paper
- Dates, if nominee has previously held office as a Councillor
- Whether pensioner or deferred pensioner if from Section One
- A personal statement of up to 100 words, including the reason for standing for election or re-election to the PCC.
A passport sized photograph may also be provided for inclusion in voting papers.
Please note that the information provided must be factual, appropriate and inoffensive.
Completed nominations must be sent to the PCC Secretary Julian Collins, TfL Pension Fund, 4th Floor, Wing over Station, London, SW1H 0BD by Friday 14 August 2015. The constitution and further details on the PCC and the TfL Pension Fund can be found by contacting the PCC Secretary.
If there are more nominations than vacancies, elections will be held by postal ballot among Fund members in the relevant sections.