Fund office update

Fund office update

In these unsettling times, as we change the way we go about our daily lives, we want to reassure you that the Fund Office team is maintaining services to members while following the Government advice to stay safe and work from home as far as is possible.

Pension payments continue to be made as normal, with the next payment due on 14 April 2020; this payment includes the April 2020 pension increase.

P60s for our pensioners are available to view through our Pension Web Portal as are 4 weekly payslips.  We will post P60s to pensioners as usual before the end of April, our current expectation is that they will be issued by 27 April 2020.

We continue to prioritise pension and benefit payments to members, although changes to the Royal Mail delivery and collection service does mean our post is taking a little longer than usual to reach us.

Wherever possible we ask that you make use of our Pension Web Portal, where you can:

  • Submit enquiries
  • View your P60 and payslips if you are receiving a pension
  • Update your address if you are a pensioner or deferred member
  • Run your own benefit quotations if you are an active or deferred member
  • View past benefit Statements if you are an active or deferred member

If you have not yet registered for the Pension Web Portal, the Guide to the Pension Web Portal contains step by step instructions to help you register and navigate the Portal.  You will need your member number to register, this can be found on correspondence from us or if you cannot locate it you can email the Fund Office team quoting your employee number or National Insurance number.

If you submit a change of bank request in respect of your ongoing pension, please do not close your existing account until you have received confirmation that we have processed your request as this will avoid payments being returned to us by your former bank.

We are currently receiving a lot of requests from members to update their Expression of Wish form, this along with other forms can be found on the forms page of the website. 

If you have submitted a request to us it may take a little longer than usual to process, so please bear with us as the team are working hard to continue to provide a service to our members.

If you are telephoning us, our telephones are diverted to the Fund Office team at home, but if you cannot get through please try again later or submit your enquiry by email to

Sources of information and contact details


Pension Web Portal



Telephone contact list


4th Floor
200 Buckingham Palace Road

In Person  

In line with Government advice we are not currently receiving visitors

6th April 2020