Transport Benevolent Fund CIO
The Transport Benevolent Fund CIO known as TBF, is a charity which offers financial and medical benefits, a wide range of complementary and alternative therapies, legal advice, bereavement grants and welfare signposting. Supporting members during times of need, hardship and distress for less than 20p a day.
Membership in retirement
If you are a member of TBF, you may choose to continue your membership in retirement. It is not possible to join once you have retired.
Contributions to TBF are £1.25 a week and covers contributing member, live-in partner and dependant children. However, membership may be free, at the discretion of the TBF Trustees. Please contact TBF for more details.
On your death
Your live-in partner and dependant children will continue to be treated as dependants in accordance with the TBFCIO rules provided that:
- You were awarded free membership
- You were still contributing when you died and had been a contributor for at least five years while working in the public transport industry
Transport Benevolent Fund CIO
Suite 2.7 The Loom
14 Gowers Walk
E1 8PY
Telephone: 0300 333 2000
Registered charity number for England and Wales 1160901
Registered charity number for Scotland SC047016