Contact & Support

I am an Independent Financial Adviser

Please enter your details below and add your enquiry to the free text box below.

    Member's Details

    Your Details

    A signed and dated letter of authority must include the following;

    • Scheme name
    • Member’s name
    • Date of birth
    • National Insurance number
    • Home address

    If you have submitted the transfer paperwork and have an ongoing query, please continue to complete this form.

    Please note: We will not respond to standard questionnaires, we will include Fund information when issuing a transfer quotation. This information and more is available on this website and we would encourage you to make use of this site.

    Please note, we do not use the Origo Options platform.


    Your Request

    Depending on status, many members can obtain a retirement quotation online immediately through our pension web portal. The pension web portal is available for all members, we would ask that you speak with your Client and utilise this functionality wherever possible.

    Self-serve is the quickest and most effective way for members to obtain retirement quotations. If the member would like assistance logging on or finding their way around the portal, please ask them to contact our helpdesk who will be happy to help.

    Depending on status, many members can obtain a transfer quotation online immediately. If self-serve functionality is available for your Client, you will be asked to speak with your Client and utilise this functionality wherever possible.

    Self-serve is the quickest and most effective way for members to stay informed of changes and obtain quotations. If the member would like assistance logging on or finding their way around the portal, please ask them to contact our helpdesk who will be happy to help.

    Please note:
    - If the member is still active in the scheme, we may not be able to provide a transfer quotation.
    - Where we are able to provide a transfer out quote, some schemes will only provide these free of charge once in a 12-month period. Please seek your Clients permission before requesting information as costs may be associated with further requests.
    - We will not respond to transfer questionnaires as we believe most essential information is contained within the transfer pack or available via the portal. If you request additional information that is available or has previously been provided, we will direct you to this information

    We will use the information provided here to only respond to your enquiry. For further information on how we use your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy