There are a number of associations that pensioners can join to keep in touch with former colleagues and friends. They hold regular events open to all members and offer support when required.
London Transport Pensioners' Association
The London Transport Pensioners’ Association (LTPA) protects and promotes the interests of pensioners. Four of its committee members along with elected pensioner representatives from the Pensions Consultative Council (PCC) attend the TfL Pensioners’ Forum which is a regular meeting with senior TfL managers to discuss matters affecting pensioners. Membership is free.
For more information or to obtain any application form for membership please contact:
Kevin Hafter Email: Telephone: 07768 703126 |
London Transport Superannuitants' Association
The LT Superannuitants’ Association (LTSA) is open to all TfL/LU pensioners. The life membership fee of £10 has been suspended for the next year to encourage new members. Monthly meetings take place at TfL’s Palestra offices near Southwark station. The LTSA Newslink magazine is at the moment suspended but it is hoped to be restarted soon along with day visits in and around London to places of interest.
Also, the yearly day out to Brighton where one can enjoy lunch at the Hove Deep Sea Anglers club followed by tea and cakes at the home of the LTSA Chairman. The aim of the LTSA for 2024 is to have its own web site up and running as early as possible in 2024 the domain name we are hoping to have is
The LTSA needs your actual support, so that it can continue to contribute towards maintaining the running of the LTPA which is crucial in continuing the accountability to the membership of the TfL Pension Fund via the LTPA nominated Pensioners Forum representatives
For more information or to obtain any application form for membership please contact:
Alexandra Barnes Email: | David Biggs Telephone: 07880 714967 |
The Fifty Five Society
Formed in 1949, is essentially a club which provides opportunities for former senior managers to meet their friends and colleagues informally at regular lunches. These are held four times a year at a central London venue. Membership of the Society currently stands at 478 and it is representative of all departments. There is no annual subscription but there is a life membership fee of £55 payable on joining the Society. All members receive lunch notices, regular Society Bulletins and at intervals an up to date list of members.
For more information or to obtain any application form for membership please contact:
Paul Kilius-Smith Email: Telephone: 07887 823187 |
Former Bus Operating Depertment
Managers and administration staff meet for lunch in London twice each year. The dates for 2024 are Wednesday 15th May and Wednesday 23rd October.
For more information or to obtain any application form for membership please contact:
Stuart Smith Email: Telephone: 01843 868199 |