Annual Members' Meeting 2023
You are invited to the Annual Members' Meeting
This year's TfL Pension Fund Annual Members' Meeting (AMM) will be held on Friday 6 October.
This year the meeting will be a hybrid meeting giving you the opportunity to participate online, using your smartphone, tablet, or computer instead of attending in person.
The meeting will start at 11:00 at One Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA. The exhibition starts at 10:30 when refreshments will be available.
If you are attending in person, please bring some identification with you, such as a staff pass or privilege ticket authority card. You will need to show this identification on arrival.
To join online, you will need an active internet connection throughout the meeting to allow you to participate fully.
If you choose to participate, you will be able to listen to a live audiocast of the meeting, view the presentation slides and ask questions in real time. You will need to know your Member number, please see the summary below of how to join the meeting.
You will be able to ask questions on the day, but if you cannot join the meeting, you can submit a question to the Trustees by writing to:
The Director of Pensions & Reward and Fund Secretary
4th Floor
200 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9TJ
or by emailing You will receive a response as soon as possible after the AMM.
Please remember, we can only answer general questions about the Fund at the meeting, not those relating to your own benefits.
The programme for the meeting is:
- Introduction at 11:00
- Review of the Annual Report & Accounts to 31 March 2023
- Actuarial update over the last 12 months
- Legal developments and changes to the TfL Pension Fund
- Investment strategy and implementation
- Open Forum - Questions & answers
- Close 13:15