About Active Membership
You are an Active Member of the Fund, if you are currently contributing to the Fund or elected to cease contributing at age 60/65 and are still employed by the company.
In this section of the website we provide you with information about the Fund benefits and the options available to you.
Your pension from the Fund is calculated based on your level of pensionable salary and the length of your pensionable service, the formula for calculating your pension is shown below. (If you retire early the pension accrued is reduced for early payment)
In addition the Fund provides other benefits which may be payable to your family or dependents if you die while you are still working for the company.
Your contributions to the Fund only go part of the way to providing the benefits payable, your employer pays the balance of the cost.
Your contributions are payable at the rate of 5 percent of your contributory pensionable salary, these are based on your contributory pensionable salary when you join, then usually change at the start of each year based on your contributory pensionable salary in the previous November. If you change your working hours your contributions will change immediately to reflect the change in the number of hours worked.
We have included a number of life event guides and member guides which provide more details about the benefits available under the Fund.