About TfL Pension Fund

Pensioners’ Forum

The Pensioners' Forum allows representatives of pensioners to meet formally with TfL management to discuss issues affecting pensioners of the TfL Pension Fund. It meets quarterly.

Role of the forum

The role of the forum is to facilitate discussion between TfL and pensioner representatives about TfL policies which affect TfL pensioners. This includes policies relating to pensions, travel concessions and other relevant matters. (Non-pension matters may be the subject of negotiation).

The forum does not discuss:

  • Matters falling within the responsibility of the TfL Pension Fund Trustees
  • Issues relating to an individual's entitlement to Fund benefits


The forum is made up of:

  • The eight elected members of Section One of the Pension Consultative Council
  • Four pensioner members, elected by and from the Management Committee of the London Transport Pensioners Association

Further information

If you have an issue which you wish to raise and consider it may be appropriate for the Pensioners' Forum and are a member of the Fifty Five Society, the LT Pensioners' Association or the LT Retired Staff Association, you should initially seek advice from a Committee member of your Society/ Association. (See page 17 of the TfL Pension Fund, A guide for pensioners or find contact details on our website).

Otherwise, you may contact the current Pensioners' Spokesperson for the Pensioners' Forum:

Paul Kilius-Smith

Telephone: 07887 823817

Email: paul.kilius-smith@ntlworld.com