Nominations for Consultative Council 2011
Nominations are being sought for TfL Pension Fund members to stand for election to the TfL Pension Consultative Council (PCC).
Five representatives need to be selected to replace those due to retire from office on 30 November 2011 under the PCC's constitution.
Representatives due to retire are Christopher Sullivan and Alan Taylor from Section One (representing pensioners and deferred pensioners), Duncan Delvin from Section Two (representing employees of TfL, its subsidiaries or contractors) and Paul Murphy and Paul O'Brien from Section Three (representing employees of London Underground, its subsidiaries or contractors).
Successful nominees in Section One should also note that attendance at Pensioner Forum meetings is a requirement of election.
Any TfL Pension Fund member may nominate another member as a candidate for election or re-election to the section that represents them both. Retiring representatives can also be nominated.
Nominations must be made in writing by a member of the same section as the nominee. Each nomination must be countersigned by another Fund member represented by the same section. The information listed below and a personal statement of up to 100 words, including the reason for standing for election or re-election to the PCC, must accompany the nomination.
- Name, as nominee wishes it to appear on the ballot paper
- Dates, if nominee has previously held office as a Councillor
- State whether pensioner or deferred pensioner is from Section One
A passport-sized photograph may also be provided for inclusion in voting papers.
Please note that the information provided must be factual, appropriate and inoffensive.
Completed nominations must be sent to the PCC Secretary Sarah Pascall, TfL Pensions Directorate, 4th floor, Wing Over Station, London, SW1H 0BD by Wednesday 31 August 2011. Copies of the PCC constitution are also available from the same address.
If there are more nominations than vacancies, elections will be held by postal ballot among Fund members in the relevant sections.