PCC nominations 2008

PCC nominations 2008

Nominations are needed for five representatives to be elected to our Pension Consultative Council, to replace those retiring on 30 November 2008.

Pension Fund members can nominate another member for election or re-election to the section that represents them both. If there are more nominations than vacancies, elections will be held by postal ballot among fund members in the relevant sections.

Nomination requirements

Nominations must be in writing and countersigned by another fund member represented by the same section.

These should be factual and appropriate and include:

  • The name the nominee wishes to appear on the ballot paper
  • Any dates previously held in office as a Councillor
  • Whether a nominee is a pensioner or deferred pensioner, if from Section One
  • A personal statement of up to 100 words, including the reason for standing for election or re-election to the PCC
  • A passport sized photograph


Nominations must be received by Friday 15 August 2008. These should be sent to Sarah Pascall, PCC Secretary, at:

Post: TfL Pensions Directorate
4th Floor, Wing Over Station
London SW1H 0BD

Email[email protected]

You can also get copies of the PCC constitution from the same address.

Representatives due to retire

Christopher Miller and Michael Swiggs from Section One (representing pensioners and deferred pensioners).

Chris Godbold from Section Two (representing employees of TfL, its subsidiaries or contractors).

Peter Moffatt and Brian Valentine from Section Three (representing employees of London Underground, its subsidiaries or contractors).

2nd June 2008